Home Archive by category "Tips" (Page 2)
One of the key differences between buying at auction or buying using a private treaty is that a sale at auction is unconditional. That means, as a buyer, you’re not able to add conditions such as subject to finance or subject to a building and pest inspection. Therefore, you need to be prepared an...
One of the most common new year’s resolutions is to try and save money. One of the easiest ways to save money is to take a look at your home loan and find some creative ways to cut down on your repayments. Fortunately, there are a number of different things you can do with your […]...
If you exchanged cryptocurrency for goods, cash or other crypto currencies then this is normally considered a disposal for the purposes of capital gains tax and you may need to include a capital gain or loss in your income tax return. 1. Disposal of cryptocurrencyYou must report a disposal of crypto...
PAYG Instalment
If you earn income from investments such as interest, dividends, rent or royalties, it’s important to plan ahead. Use PAYG instalments to help reduce any potential tax bill when you lodge your tax return. How PAYG instalments work? Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments allow you to make regular payment...
Tips for Rental Property Owners
Whether you use a tax agent or choose to lodge your tax return yourself, avoiding these common mistakes will save you time and money. 1. Apportioning expenses and income for co-owned propertiesIf you own a rental property with someone else, you must declare rental income and claim expenses according...
ISM Accountants